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The Natural Flood Management Network Scotland


Natural Flood Management (NFM) is a catchment scale technique that involves working with natural features and processes to manage the sources and pathways of floodwaters.  It typically involves restoring the natural capacity of a catchment to slow or store floodwater and covers a spectrum of measures from full scale restoration of the course of a river or intertidal habitat to smaller scale land management measures such as upland drain blocking. In addition to benefits to flooding, these techniques can provide many other benefits, such as improvements in biodiversity, water quality, carbon storage, and increased resilience to the effects of climate change.  


The NFM Network Scotland has been set up to share knowledge and best practice amongst those working with this approach. With just under 100 NFM actions identified in Scotland’s Local Flood Risk Management Plans, a significant amount of NFM work is now taking place across Scotland. Consequently, there is a need for exchange between sites, to more effectively share knowledge, research and experience of implementing NFM in Scotland, across the rest of the UK and further afield.  The network allows better connections to be made between researchers and practitioners and avoid issues such as duplication.

The network is user driven and you have the option to join through a simple sign up procedure. Once registered as a member you can add your NFM news and information, such as case studies and events.  Users also have the opportunity to connect with others involved in similar projects, research or activities.

The network is funded by the Scottish Government's Rural and Environment Science and Analytical Services Division (RESAS) and is managed by the James Hutton Institute, part of the Scottish Environment, Food and Agriculture Research Institutes (SEFARI) collective. It is overseen by a wider steering group comprising Scottish Government, Scotland’s Centre of Expertise for Waters (CREW), and the Scottish Environment Protection Agency (SEPA). We hope you enjoy being part of the network!

If you have any technical queries regarding the website or your membership then please contact Please do not use this email address to send content (please do that via your user dashboard) or ask general questions regarding NFM.


Home page photograph of Insh Marshes taken by Laurie Campbell