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Land and runoff management


The way that rural land is managed, both in terms of the vegetative cover and the underlying soil, can greatly influence the pathways and speed by which incident rainfall reaches watercourses. Good land and soil management practices can help to minimise the generation of surface runoff and reduce downstream flood risk. Land and soil management for NFM involves cultivating soils to promote a good macro-structure and good organic matter content, thereby increasing soil infiltration and reducing surface flow generation and associated sediment transport. Surface water flooding is usually associated with heavy rainfall falling on impermeable surfaces, dry (capped) soils, frozen soils, or on a saturated catchment, causing overland flow to occur. This rainfall induced overland flow is quickly transferred to channels across the surface of the landscape due to the limited potential for soil infiltration. There is a consequent rapid rise in channel levels and a flashy catchment response to the rainfall. This high energetic flow of water across the landscape can result in erosion to soil and the transport of sediments (and sediment associated pollutants). Runoff management measures target these flow pathways, disconnecting them thereby attenuating the flow.

Case Studies

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SpongeScapes is a Horizon Europe project uniting 14 case studies across Europe to advance the understanding and implementation of sponge measures—nature-based solutions that restore...
The Floods and Droughts Research Infrastructure (FDRI) is now establishing a long term monitoring programme in the UK. FDRI is an innovative long-term programme which, for the first time in...
The yearly River Restoration Centre conference will be held in Brighton on the 1st and 2nd April 2025. Last year (2024), over 430 attended the event at Llandudno. The draft programme for this...


What can be learnt from working with a community to identify what flood risk management measures are needed, are acceptable and which deliver the greatest multiple benefits?



Embedded thumbnail for Eddleston Water, Tweed Catchment
Embedded thumbnail for Eddleston Water, Tweed Catchment