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River and floodplain management


River and floodplain management measures involve the restoration of a stretch of river and/or its associated floodplain to a more natural functioning state. This can include channel re-meandering or channel feature reinstatement (e.g. measures to restore channel river bars). Where redundant embankments are present, it may also be possible to breach, set back or remove these embankments, restore floodplain connectivity and re-activate floodplain features. Where naturally occurring wood is absent from a river, leaky barriers can be installed. These help attenuate flood flows by slowing and deflecting flow out of the channel on to the floodplain, thereby increasing water storage.

Case Studies

News & Events

Scientists at the University of Aberdeen and James Hutton Institute have just published a paper on a new approach for characterising temporary storage area (TSA) functioning. The open access...
The Scottish Government is seeking views on Scotland's first Flood Resilience Strategy. The strategy will focus what needs to be done to make communities more flood resilient over the coming...
The Engineering with Nature initiative (led by US Army Corps of Engineers) has now published "Engineering with Nature: An Atlas, volume 3". The atlas contains lots of global case studies that...


This report (published by CREW) provides a review and analysis of information on the passage by fish at wooden obstacles (woody placements), used for flood management, in Scotland.



Embedded thumbnail for Allt Lorgy, River Dulnain, Spey Catchment
Embedded thumbnail for Eddleston Water, Tweed Catchment
Embedded thumbnail for Eddleston Water, Tweed Catchment