Shelforkie Moss lies due west of the A9 just up from Greenloaning. The bog spans roughly 100 hectares and provides habitat for a range of wildlife including sphagnum mosses, dragon flies and more.
The Rottal Burn in the South Esk Catchment was re-meandered in 2012. During the project 1100m of new channel plus backwaters was created, connection to wetlands was established, and 2000 native trees were planted.
The work aimed to create a mosaic of river and floodplain habitats by allowing active river processes to develop a multi-threaded (anabranched) system together with floodplain wet woodland features.
In 2010 a large scale dune restoration project was completed at West Sands Beach, St Andrews. Due to the location of the site in the SAC, it’s designation within an SSSI and Natura 2000 site; all work had to ensure conservation objectives were me
In 1937, a 100+ year recurrence interval flood eroded a ~60 m long section of the 18th Century levee (flood embankment) on the Allanmore floodplain west of Braemar.
The need for ‘catchment wide’ management of the Spey was formally recognised in the 2003 Spey Catchment Management Plan, which provided a strategic framework for the wise and sustainable use of the whole water resource. An updated and reviewed Spe
Within the Tarland catchment there are historic problems with both flooding and water quality. Since the year 2000 there have been many projects, carried out by local organisations designed to investigate and solve the problems of diffuse polluti
In early October 2011, a reach of the lower Logie Burn, was reconnected to relict meanders to restore its meandering morphology, river habitat and riparian habitat diversity. Further aims were to reduce downstream phosphorous and fine sediment tr
The aim of the Eddleston project is to assess the impact of restoring natural features and processes on both flood attenuation and the ecology of the river, and also to provide empirical evidence with which to assess the effectiveness of the measu
The main focus of this project is to collect empirical data to determine how NFM can be used as a flood management tool and to identify other multiple benefits such as improved habitat.