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Woodlands can help to attenuate floods through a number of hydrological processes, such as the interception of rainfall, increased use of water (evapotranspiration), and increased infiltration of water into the soil profile.  Woodlands also act to slow surface runoff and reduce sediment transport down hillslopes, by increasing the resistance to flow. Upland areas, which have higher rainfall, steeper slopes, gullies and often quite shallow soils, can deliver significant amounts of floodwater from headwaters to the lower catchment areas. Well sited and managed woodlands protect the soil from disturbance and improve soil structure due to the action of tree roots and high inputs of organic matter. These conditions enhance the soil infiltration pathways and the water storage capacity thereby reducing direct surface run-off, erosion and sediment transport.

Case Studies

News & Events

The Tweed Forum have published a new guide to riverside tree planting. The guide called "Riparian woodland creation – a guide for practitioners" is available via the link at the bottom of...
The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Engineering with Nature initiative has released a new season of podcasts (season 7). Podcasts cover topics such as regenerative land management, policy issues...
A report has been published on the Hydronation Chair website on "Water Metrics and Standards: Review of current approaches, challenges and issues". The report presents the findings of an...


What can be learnt from working with a community to identify what flood risk management measures are needed, are acceptable and which deliver the greatest multiple benefits?



Embedded thumbnail for Eddleston Water, Tweed Catchment
Embedded thumbnail for Eddleston Water, Tweed Catchment