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10 Jan 2024

Water Metrics and Standards: Review of current approaches, challenges and issues

A report has been published on the Hydronation Chair website on "Water Metrics and Standards: Review of current approaches, challenges and issues". The report presents the findings of an initial scoping survey carried out by the Hydronation Chair in...
10 Jan 2024

The Facility for Investment Ready Nature in Scotland - new projects

The Facility for Investment Ready Nature in Scotland (FIRNS) is a joint initiative between Scottish Government, NatureScot, and the National Lottery Heritage Fund Supporting the development of environmental projects in Scotland. FIRNS aims to value...
29 Jun 2023

Eddleston Project wins two top UK awards from CIEEM

The Eddleston Water project won two awards at the Chartered Institute of Ecology & Environmental Management's 2023 Awards ceremony in Birmingham on 28th June. Competing against a wealth of other excellent projects, Tweed Forum and its...
27 Jun 2023

Nature based Solutions for reducing flood risk a Scottish perspective

Prof Chris Spray gave an invited presentation in the opening Plenary Session of the major CIWEM/Rivers Trust annual Floods and Coasts 2023 conference in Telford on Nature-based Solutions for reducing flood risk This focussed on four main areas: a)...
20 Jun 2023

Ecosystem restoration and nature-based solutions: how do they differ and why does it matter?

The terms restoration and nature-based solutions are both commonly used these days, and sometimes used interchangeably. But are they identical? This new 4-page briefing by the James Hutton Institute explores the basic concepts and the implications:...
12 Jun 2023

Survey on Natural Flood Management skills

The Environment Agency have commissioned Qa Research to research NFM training needs amongst people with a role in NFM in England. The Environment Agency wants to ensure that everyone involved in NFM has the skills, knowledge and expertise they need...
09 Jun 2023

Scottish FRM2023 Conference - conference outputs

The Scottish FRM2023 Conference took place in Perth in February this year. The topic of the conference was "Water Resilient Places". It was a 2-day conference which over 200 people attended (both in person and online). There were 59 speakrs and a...
09 Jun 2023

Peatland ACTION - films now available on YouTube

Peatland ACTION has recently launched a suite of films to help encourage more landowners to get involved in peatland restoration, and promote the value of the work that peatland contractors do to make that happen. The films can be accessed via a...
09 Jun 2023

River Restoration Centre - upcoming training courses

The River Restoration Centre (RRC) have a long history of running river related training events (inc. on the topic of NFM). The RRC have just released a number of training events that will take place over the next 6-months. These included courses on...
02 Jun 2023

Eddleston Water Community engagement and sharing best practice in Catchment Restoration.

Chris Spray (University of Dundee and Tweed Forum) has written a case study for the Ecosystem Knowledge Network based on Tweed Forum's experiences of working on the Eddleston Water Project, entitled Putting People first: Community engagement and...
21 Mar 2023

Field visit of Japanese catchment Research team to Eddleston

On 14 th March, The Eddlston Water project was visited by a tem of 14 researchers from 4 universities across Japan who together work on a catchment approach to flood risk management. Representing a variety of disciplines, the research team is led by...