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12 Nov 2019

Paper highlights the potential of runoff attenuation features as a NFM approach

An open access paper on "The potential of runoff attenuation features as a Natural Flood Management approach" has been published in the Journal of Flood Risk Management. The study utilised data from the Belford Burn catchment in N.E. England, and in...
12 Nov 2019

Communities at risk of flooding and their attitudes towards NFM report published

A report has been published today by Scotland's Centre of Expertise for Waters on "Communities at risk of flooding and their attitudes towards natural flood management". The project team at the James Hutton Institute explored factors that affect...
11 Nov 2019

Delivering Nature-Based Solutions workshop report published

A co-organised event in Edinburgh (May 2019) brought together international experts to discuss the challenges and opportunities for delivering Nature-Based Solutions. The goal of the event was to facilitate the knowledge exchange and share best...
11 Nov 2019

Review paper: Representing natural and artificial in‐channel large wood in numerical hydraulic and hydrological models

Adding large wood or leaky barriers to rivers is often promoted as a viable NFM technique but there is a lack of clear understanding on how best to represent them in computer models. The open access paper "Representing natural and artificial in‐...
04 Oct 2019

Nature-Based Solutions Handbook published by ThinkNature

A handbook on Nature-Based Solutions has been published by "ThinkNature" ( ). The handbook was developed as part of the ThinkNature project which recieved funding from the European Union's Horizon 2020 research and...
04 Oct 2019

New book launched: "Nature-Based Flood Risk Management on Private Land"

An open access book has recently been published addressing the issue of Nature-Based Flood Risk Management on Private Land. It is published by Springer and was edited by Thomas Hartmann, Lenka Slavíková and Simon McCarthy. The authors highlight that...
02 May 2019

Natural Flood Management - A Farmer's Guide published by SRUC

A practical handbook for farmers has recently been published by SRUC. The handbook is called "Natural Flood Management: A Farmer's Guide" and is available from the link below. The guide aims to give advice on NFM to landowners and farmers in...
02 May 2019

Report on Nature-Based Solutions for Disaster Risk Management published by the World Bank

The World Bank have published a report on Nature-Based Solutions for Disaster Risk Management. More on this report and background to the work can be found at the link below.
02 May 2019

Prestigious Knowledge Exchange win for Dynamic Coast

Innovation award for project highlighting the huge value of existing natural flood protection features in Scotland The Dynamic Coast project won the overall Spotlight Award at the Scottish Knowledge Exchange awards last month in Edinburgh. The award...
23 Jan 2019

Atlas on Engineering with Nature published

The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers have recently published a book entitled "Engineering With Nature: An Atlas" . The Atlas showcases 56 international projects, which includes one Scottish case study (the Bowmont Catchment ). The atlas is organised...
21 Jan 2019

New video released on the Eddleston Water project

A new video has been released outlining the role of the Eddleston Water project in the international Interreg Building with Nature project. For further details on the Eddleston water project please visit the case study page within the NFM network...