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06 Mar 2018

Foundation for common land release position statement on Natural Flood Management

The foundation for common land has released a position statement on the use of Natural Flood Management. The statement looks at the potential benefits and limations of NFM focusing on six topic areas. These are 1) the range of interventions...
18 Dec 2017

Soils and Natural Flood Management: New report by Catchment Based Approach

A manual has been released on soil management with respect to Natural Flood Management, specifically for soils in the Devon and Cornwall region (however, findings have wider applicability). The document, authored by Richard Smith from the...
18 Dec 2017

Natural Flood Management handbook available from SEPA

In 2016 a Natural Flood Management Handbook was published by SEPA. This comprehensive document provides an overview to Natural Flood Management. Lead author, Heather Forbes, Senior Policy Officer in SEPA’s Flood Risk Management team, said: “Flooding...
18 Dec 2017

Working with Natural Processes Evidence Directory launched

The Environment Agency for England and Wales recently published various outputs from the Working with Natural Processes (WWNP) project. The project looked at mechanisms to reduce flood hazards by using natural techniques in catchments and coasts...
18 Dec 2017

EEA highlight importance of restoring floodplains and wetlands.

The European Environment Agency have issued a statement highlighting the importance of restoring floodplains and wetlands to offer value for money solutions to flooding. This comes out of the latest publication on "Green Infrastructure and flood...